The Non-Discrimination Ombudsman
The Non-Discrimination Ombudsman is an autonomous and independent authority. The task of the Ombudsman is to promote equality and to prevent discrimination. The Ombudsman also supervises removal from the country and is the National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings. The Ombudsman further works towards improving the rights and status of foreign nationals.
Non-Discrimination Ombudsman’s chat and telephone customer service during Christmas 2024
Publication date:17.12.2024 13.45
The Non-Discrimination Ombudsman’s helpline and chat’s summer opening times
Publication date:18.6.2024 14.05
The Non-Discrimination Ombudsman and Finnish Association of People with Physical Disabilities organised training for public legal aid attorneys about people with disabilities as legal aid clients
Publication date:19.2.2024 14.41
Non-Discrimination Ombudsman raised concerns about violence against women to GREVIO
Publication date:4.2.2024 12.00
Keeping the Eastern border crossing points closed continues to seriously compromise the right to seek asylum
Publication date:12.1.2024 14.03
Ensuring Non-Discrimination in Artificial Intelligence Requires New Expertise – Also in Regulatory Oversight
Publication date:10.9.2024 12.44
The equality and rights of people with disabilities must be taken into account in employment services
Publication date:13.6.2024 12.00
Foreigners' rights are being seriously curtailed with no overall picture of the impact on human rights
Publication date:2.5.2024 13.30
A residence permit safeguards victims of human trafficking in a vulnerable position – the threshold for granting the permit must be lowered
Publication date:18.10.2022 9.51
What is the principle of non-punishment of victims of trafficking in human beings?
Publication date:16.11.2021 10.59
Press releases
Non-Discrimination Ombudsman's recommendations to the Helsinki Police Department regarding discriminatory Kuri1 operation against the Roma
Publication date:14.5.2024 10.47
The Non-Discrimination Ombudsman's Report: Subsequent applications are a key factor in safeguarding basic rights and liberties in the asylum process
Publication date:24.4.2024 12.17
Non-Discrimination Ombudsman: the closing of nearly all border crossing points on the eastern border seriously jeopardises the right to seek asylum
Publication date:24.11.2023 9.20
Study: Identification of victims of human trafficking compelled to criminal activity must be improved
Publication date:1.9.2022 8.31
Company discriminated against a job applicant on the basis of nationality – paid EUR 6,500 in compensation
Publication date:16.6.2022 9.30