PROJECT: Vulnerability in the preparation and enforcement of removal from the country

In the autumn, a project started in the Office of the Non-Discrimination Ombudsman with the goal of identifying the situation of vulnerable returnees and taking their needs into account in return operations. 

One of the tasks of the Non-Discrimination Ombudsman is monitoring the enforcement of removals from the country.

It has been noted in the monitoring by the Non-Discrimination Ombudsman that identifying the situation of vulnerable returnees (such as children, victims of human trafficking and those who have psychological symptoms) and taking their special needs into consideration varies. This may involve things such as a recovery period after a health care procedure before return, obtaining patient records or medicines for the return journey, or assessing aspects of falling victim to human trafficking or the best interest of a child, and taking them into account. In some return operations, the needs of a vulnerable returnee have been taken into account appropriately or very well. Vulnerability has still not always been recognised, or the police have not been aware that the returnee is a victim of human trafficking, for instance. Identifying vulnerability requires an effective flow of information between the different authorities. Reception centres, detention units, the assistance system for victims of human trafficking and health care units often have the most information on the actual situation and needs of the returnees. 

The aim of this project is to improve the cooperation between different authorities, disseminate good practices and develop procedures in order to identify the situations of the most vulnerable returnees and cater to their needs as well as possible in return operations and monitoring activities. 

The project has been funded by the EU Home Affairs Funds (AMIF). 
